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Very cool!

omg i got to 20min into a single game oh wow

More Malus Cards:

Ultra-fast!: While in play, timer and malus speed x3. : X in 3"

Half: Lose 50% of your bank. Skip bank redirects too. : X when bank is 10" or less [10"]

Mo' Maluses: While in play, redirect bank losses to malus losses. : X in 10"

Broken Bank: While in play, bank max -20" and bank gain -20%. : X in 12"

Time go bye-bye: Timer speed -4%, permanently. O: : X when another malus is played [3"]

Rewind? : While in play: timer speed decreases are multiplied by -0.5. : X in 5", +5" every time a different card is played while this is in hand.


Fun concept. I got excited about how you can have different opponents or give the player more adjacency in like deck building. Here's a link to my playthrough


okay never mind malus cooldown & pervention is op with magic trick

(i had 7 malus cooldown btw)


magc tick op



"op"? WHY ARE YOU SO BAD AT SPELLING ITS "overpowered"

😢 sory 

"sory"? its like ur not sorry anymore get out of here



Love this, played for over an hour now.  Any plans to work on it further?


Thank you so much for you comment.

I might turn this game into a deck building rogue like, but only after I finished my current game, Project OPERATOR (that you can wishlist on Steam 👀).